Názov projektu:

Zhodnocovanie biologicky rozložiteľného odpadu prostredníctvom mobilnej kompostárne.

Cieľ projektu:

Zvýšenie miery zhodnocovania odpadov so zameraním na ich prípravu na opätovné použitie a recykláciu a podpora predchádzania vzniku odpadov.

Tento projekt prináša do podtatranského regiónu možnosť spracovania biologicky rozložiteľného odpadu. Spracovaný produkt v podobe kompostu bude spätne využitý tam, kde odpad pre jeho spracovanie vznikol. V rámci projektu spoločnosť obstarala technologické vybavenie – mobilnú kompostáreň a traktor.

Projekt je financovaný z Európskej únie, Kohézneho fondu v rámci operačného programu Kvalita životného prostredia v sume 112 677,13 €.

Celkové náklady projektu predstavujú výšku 160 967,33 €.

See the right path​

Boost necessary processes and Drive the change

Let the path be seen by others​

About me

Ondrej Zoričák is a serial entrepreneur with more than 15 years’ experience in the technology sector and a sought-after business mentor, social impact investor and municipal council member. Currently serves as a CEO of Zoricak s.r.o. and Chastia CZ s.r.o.  

His innovative mindset guided him through the evolving landscape of the tech industry and realized the importance of sustainable practices. One of his biggest projects has been developed a new ecovillage project in Slovakia called Krásne Sady and it’s located under High Tatras Mountains in the north part of Slovakia. The motivation came from long-time studying of ecological concepts. The idea was to build a sustainable, healthy and nature-friendly place for families where people are experimenting on their own to find the best solution for life. This project launched in 2012 where a group of people started to join terrains for their dreamy home.  

Ondrej is also known for his work in the public sector. As a local councillor, he is all about giving back to the community by bringing his energy, passion, and hard-working attitude.  

Undeniably his most important role, Ondrej is an active and engaged father to four young children.


VISTA language school is successfully operated in three cities since 2003 under our supervision. It offers language courses to individuals, business as well as public sector institutions. These three branches use the potential of 50+ teachers and teach 1000+ students on average each year. VISTA operates 10 branches altogether in Slovakia and Czech republic.

School and nursery in Krasne Sady

We run the Private Integrated School Krásne Sady Mlynica. It includes both a kindergarten and a primary school. Authentic education ensures the holistic development of the child in a healthy, natural environment, where the child gains profound knowledge, progresses rapidly, develops their competencies, and enjoys learning. Acquired knowledge paves the way for a fulfilled and happy life.


In addition we operate private kindergarten in Krasne Sady  Mlynica, which offers children authentic education in a natural environment with kind approach of teachers. The kindergarten is part of the educational area of the Forest Pedagogy Facility.

Krasne Sady​

We are co-creators of the ecological development Krásne Sady Mlynica. Krásne Sady combines the issue of living, education and active leisure time, while respecting the ecological aspect. We have consistently incorporated the principle of low impact development (LID) into the project – the principle of engineering design conserving water in the country with an emphasis on the correct use of the natural properties of the environment to maintain sustainability. In the locality of Krásne Sady, we built the educational area of the Forest Pedagogy Facility. Our vision is to create a real place in the natural environment, where a personality of an individual is formed through a stimulating experience. In addition to pre-primary and primary education, we develop this idea also through environmental programs, summer activities or camps, and thus make it available to the general public.


In the field of software and information technology development we are pround to take part in international expansion of CHASTIA.  Our software solutions, available via desktop, web or mobile devices, help optimize processes and streamline property management.


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